Yes. Our interior pesticides are labeled for restaurants, homes, schools, food-handling areas and even hospitals. We are constantly researching and evaluating to make sure that the pesticides we choose are the safest, most effective choices on the market. We also offer organic and “Chem-Free” solutions as an alternative pest control treatment method.
We do not. We are confident that our customers will remain loyal without the use of formal contracts because of our 100% guarantee and our top-of-the-line customer service. We do recommend routine pest control treatments as pesticides break down over time and structure environments are constantly changing.
In most cases this is not required. The pesticides used for general pest control treatments will not harm you or your family while inside. We simply ask that family and pets do not contact our pesticides while they are still wet. If this does happen, no need to panic, simply rinse off with soap and water.
No. Our pesticide residuals will not discolor or stain your homes finishes.
Absolutely. We will work around any schedule to ensure that your business routine and customer experience go uninterrupted.
We simply ask that pet food and water is picked up off of the floor and any aquariums are covered. It is not necessary to rearrange the furniture, but if the home is tidied up we will be able to provide the best possible service.
The seasonal treatments in most cases take approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the size of your home and the package you have selected. Services such as weep hole treatments, attic/crawlspace treatments, mosquito fogging and termite treatment & inspections can add time to your home’s treatment.